Friday, January 3, 2014

How To Clear a Stuffed Up Nose Trick

Not really pertaining to beauty, but it's cold season where I live and not being able to breathe at night makes for sleepless hours. This is a method I found out years ago that clears up your nose when it's seemingly unsolvably clogged when you lie down.

  • Sit/stand up
  • Try to breathe through your nose as normally as possible (no deep breaths)
  • On an exhale, exhale as much air out as you comfortably can
  • Pinch your nose with your fingers
  • Bow your head (so your face is parallel to the ground)
  • Nod your head repeatedly until you feel a difference
  • Breathe as normally as possible through your nose when you're done (again, still no deep breaths)

It sounds hilarious, but it works! I wish I'd known about this when I was a kid. I always got some sort of cold every single year and hated when I couldn't breathe at night. If you've never tried this trick before then be excited to get your next cold! ;) Hope this helps!

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